Our Products

Save 2 Build
Our primary product does double duty for your clients. The $300 credit builder loan goes into a locked savings account. After 12 months of repaying the loan and Justine PETERSEN reporting to credit bureaus, the client has saved $300 and built their credit.

Secured Credit Cards
One of our preferred products for clients who complete a Save 2 Build account. It allows clients who may not qualify for a traditional credit card to access a revolving line of credit, providing them flexibility in managing their expenses and an opportunity to continue to build their credit.
Credit Building Tools
After meeting one-on-one with over 20,000 clients our counselors have developed numerous tools to help clients assess income and debt, understand their credit history, and specify financial goals to create a credit action plan and overcome barriers to accessing affordable capital.
Credit Building Training
Is your organization thinking about starting or expanding your credit building department? Justine PETERSEN offers in person and on-line credit building training designed to build your capacity to help clients understand the best way to increase their credit score and improve their financial lives.
Training Events:
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Justine PETERSEN sends reminders monthly to all coaches at organizations that offer LISC or Save 2 Build accounts about the retraining opportunity offered by our quarterly webinars. Webinar trainings consist of updating partners on new information during the first 15 minutes and onboarding new partners or retraining existing partners in the last 45 minutes.